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NFT games-MejoresApuestas.com

After the NFT cryptocurrency-collectibles exploded in popularity in early 2021, several blockchain-based gaming companies began working to get their share in the new market, gaining more and more users each month. According to data presented by Mejores Apuestas, Alien Worlds, Axie Infinity and Splinterlands, as the top three NFT gaming titles, hit almost 2 million …

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Global crypto market cap - MejoresApuestas.com

After a rocky September and the crypto price crash wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars from the entire market, digital currencies quickly bounced back, driving the global crypto market cap to new record highs. According to data presented by Mejores Apuestas, the global crypto market cap soared by 255% YTD to $2.75trn last week, …

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Rocket League Steam player count - MejoresApuestas.com

Almost immediately after setting its record high of nearly 147,000 current players in September 2020, Rocket League’s Steam player count began to drop, reaching the deepest point in the last five years. According to data presented by Mejores Apuestas, the number of Rocket League players on the world’s leading gaming platform dropped by 60% in …

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NFT collections market cap-MejoresApuestas.com

Non-fungible tokens have revolutionized the art and the entertainment worlds, especially around the way people invest in art, music, and sports. As the popularity of NFTs continues surging, an increasing number of investors are willing to put their money in NFT collectibles. According to data presented by Mejores Apuestas, the combined market cap of the …

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